What Happens If You Swallow Phlegm & Mucus? (All Doubts Cleared)

What Happens If You Swallow Phlegm and Mucus

Swallowing mucus or phlegm is disgusting and we don’t even like to talk about this. But whenever we have colds or allergies, we often swallow coughed-up phlegm and avoid spitting in front of others. But is it safe to swallow mucus and phlegm? Is mucus toxin? Does swallowing phlegm make your cough worse and lead to infection in the lungs? Should you swallow it or spit it out?

What happens if you swallow phlegm and mucus? It will not harm you if you swallow your phlegm or mucus. The swallowed mucus will go down into your stomach and end up there harmlessly. So, it’s up to you to swallow it or not. But it sounds better if you spit it out.

Our body produces mucus constantly and we swallow a lot of it. Whereas Phlegm is a special type of mucus that protects our lungs and respiratory system too. But the excessive discharge of Phlegm is a sign of infection in your airways. Moreover, the color of phlegm gives indications about infection in the lungs, the severity of the pathogen, and some serious illness.

Let’s probe into the article!

What Happens If You Swallow Phlegm

Does it matter if you swallow phlegm?

Usually, people believe that swallowing your phlegm and mucus is dangerous and can make you sick. But, it’s not the reality. 

According to many experts, Phlegm itself is not harmful or toxic. And, it does not matter if you swallow phlegm or not. Because swallowing phlegm will not make you sicker.

Phlegm is the protective barrier against infections, smoke, dirt, pollen, and germs. It would be healthier to spit it out to avoid 

Does Swallowing Phlegm Make Your Cough Worse

Many people believe that swallowing phlegm can make your cough worse and prolong your illness. But this is not the case. 

We feel comfortable after spitting coughed-up phlegm or mucus. On the contrary, according to many ENT specialists, swallowing phlegm is not dangerous. It has no harmful effects on your cough, other infections, or allergies.

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So, it’s not necessary to spit out phlegm whenever you cough. But if you spit out phlegm, your rattling lungs will feel better.

If You Swallow Phlegm Does It Go Back Into The Lungs

When you swallow phlegm where does it go? It’s a general misconception that if you swallow phlegm it will go back into your lungs. 

When you cough up, most of the phlegm is pushed to the back of your throat through tiny hair-like structure cilia. When you swallow mucus it goes down to your stomach, where it is digested and absorbed.

Mucus is produced constantly. When you swallow mucus or phlegm it simply goes down to your stomach and intestine.

What Happens If You Swallow Phlegm and  Mucus

If You Swallow Mucus Do You Poop It Out

What happens when you swallow snot?

Mucus is essential for your respiratory system as it moistens and filters the lungs and helps to defend against invaders.

When you swallow nasal mucus or snot, it enters the stomach, where digestive enzymes kill most pathogens and poop out mucus with other undigested food.

When mucus rises from the lungs to the throat it swallows down to the stomach. It carries with it dust, pollen, bacteria, and tiny particles that you breathe in and adhere to mucus. Finally, it ends up with enzymes in the stomach.

What Happens When You Swallow Mucus From The Nose

What happens if you swallow a lot of mucus? We usually believe that swallowing a lot of mucus from the nose is harmful. It’s not.

Excess mucus can cause postnasal drip, cough, bad breath, and nausea. But it’s not harmful if you swallow a lot of mucus. The swallowed mucus drips down in your stomach and gets digested like other food.

On the other hand, your body makes more mucus in the lungs, sinuses, and nose. It’s a natural process.

What Happens If You Swallow Too Much Mucus

What happens if you keep swallowing mucus?

Mucus is not toxic. But you can feel nausea or vomiting if you swallow too much mucus. Excessive discharge of thick mucus is triggered by respiratory tract infections or allergies. It’s the indication of serious chest infections such as pneumonia, asthma, etc.

You can feel a constantly dripping mucus in the back of your throat. Visit your doctor and take more liquid to avoid dehydration.

What Happens When You Swallow Mucus After Coughing

Is it bad to swallow mucus after coughing?

No, it’s not bad to swallow mucus after coughing because it will not increase your illness. Though mucus is a physical barrier that stops the invasion of most pathogens. However, swallowing your mucus is not bad. 

When you cough up solid and thick mucus, it indicates that you are suffering from a bacterial infection. You need to see your doctor and get some antibiotic prescriptions.

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What Happens If You Swallow Phlegm You Cough Up

Does swallowing phlegm make your cough worse? Should you swallow phlegm or spit it out?

Phlegm is gross and nasty but completely safe if you swallow coughed-up phlegm. The good news is that the stomach acids break down the phlegm, help to neutralize bacteria, and reuse the cellular waste. 

Mothers are more concerned about the health of their children. So, you need not worry if your child swallows phlegm instead of spitting it out.

What Happens If You Swallow Yellow Phlegm

Why should you not swallow phlegm? 

There is nothing wrong with swallowing phlegm. But the yellow phlegm indicates that your body is fighting off an infection. It shows the excess of white blood cells that are combating infection-causing viruses and bacteria in your body.

However, the brown, pink or red color of phlegm might be a threatening sign of bleeding or pus in your nasal cavity and lungs. See your doctor. You might have asthma, chest infection, or severe symptoms of colds and allergies. 

What Happens If You Swallow Green Phlegm

Is swallowing your phlegm harmful?

It’s a common misconception that swallowing green phlegm can upset your stomach and prolong your illness.

Though Swallowing your phlegm is unappetizing yet it’s not harmful at all. However, the green color of phlegm is due to the presence of leukocytes (white blood cells) that fight against infections. Visit your doctor if you are wheezing, sweating, or have a high fever. 

The color of phlegm becomes more prominent when it is stuck around for a longer time. For instance, morning sputum is different in color as compared to later in the day.

Is It Bad to Swallow Phlegm You Cough Up

Although swallowing phlegm may not be pleasant, it is not harmful to do so. The phlegm itself is not toxic, and once swallowed, it is simply digested and absorbed by the body. Continuously coughing up and swallowing phlegm may be a sign of an ongoing illness, but it does not cause any further complications or prolong the illness. In fact, getting rid of excess phlegm through coughing or swallowing can help to clear congestion and improve breathing.

Therefore, while coughing up and spitting out phlegm is often preferred for aesthetic reasons, there is no need to worry about swallowing small amounts of phlegm. It is important, however, to continue practicing good hygiene habits such as washing your hands frequently and covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing to prevent the spread of germs. It is also crucial to seek medical treatment for any persistent cough or excessive phlegm production.

Can Swallowing Phlegm Make You Sick

No, swallowing phlegm will not make a person sick. In fact, the act of swallowing can actually help to clear mucus from the throat and airways. The phlegm itself does not contain harmful bacteria or toxins, and it is ultimately broken down and absorbed by the digestive system. Additionally, constantly producing phlegm is a normal part of the body’s immune response to infection or irritation in the respiratory system.

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It is important to note that certain underlying medical conditions can cause excessive phlegm production, which can lead to discomfort and difficulty breathing. In these cases, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

However, in general, swallowing small amounts of phlegm should not cause illness or worsen any existing respiratory infections. Coughing and spitting out excess mucus can also be an effective way to clear the airways and prevent the buildup of phlegm.

Should You Swallow Phlegm or Spit it Out

First, it is important to note that coughing up phlegm is a sign that your body is trying to clear out excess mucus in the chest. This could be due to a cold or other respiratory illness.

In terms of whether you should spit out or swallow this phlegm, there really isn’t a wrong answer. Spitting it out may help to clear the substance from your mouth, but swallowing it will allow it to eventually exit the body through digestion.

Overall, the most important thing is to listen to your body and do whatever helps you feel more comfortable. If spitting out phlegm provides relief, then go for it. However, if you find that swallowing doesn’t bother you and helps clear your throat, then there is no harm in doing so.

It’s also important to remember that coughing up phlegm can sometimes be a sign of a more serious underlying condition such as pneumonia or bronchitis. If you experience excessive phlegm production or have difficulty breathing, it is best to seek medical attention.

Last Lines

Finally, it’s time to ditch your so-called old notions. Phlegm or mucus is not harmful and does not cause complications in your body if you swallow it. But the diagnosis of infection should be made in the presence of specific symptoms along with findings such as pink or red color phlegm is a sign of some serious lung infection.

Mucus is necessary for the protection of the body as it acts as a shield or flypaper against dust, pollens, debris, and allergens. Your body produces a lot of mucus all day even when you are sleeping. It silently drips in the throat and enters your stomach. It helps the intestine to make some antibodies that fight against infections. So, no need to bother if you swallow it.

James Randolph

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